Save the World Club was set up 35 years ago by Des Kay. The organization primarily consisted of Des using recycled materials to create unique kinetic and mechanical structures which told children and family audiences stories of waste and gave other important environmental messages. After many successful years, Professor Kayoss has grown STWC to an organisation with thousands of committed supporters. All the income Des Kay received from performing as Professor Kayoss has been invested in the core funding to build our small but successful organisation.
Save the World Club was established in 1985 to empower the community to initiate environmental activities to ensure a sustainable future for all. Our award winning mosaic murals enhance our Borough using recycled tiles, collaborating with the local community since our inception.
The charity (registered in 2002, no. 1096271) saves both items and foodstuffs from landfill or incineration and keep it all circulating through upcycling, redistribution and public art. This food gets donated to vulnerable populations and families.
"Who thinks humanity is at a cross road?
At this turning point we choose between moving towards living in harmony with nature and joy in the great natural biodiverse world, or the man-conquers-nature artificial world where we are the cogs of a machine designed to enslave.
History clearly reveals how we have been manipulated into believing certain world-changing facts that seems to be leading us to a very bleak future.
Whereas in the past there were very few sources of information available for fact checking, we are now blessed with the most amazing tool. Accessing the world’s knowledge, almost wherever we are, where we are able to sift through to seek the truth and join up with others seeking the same.
This gives us much POWER! Power to change, joining our small actions, with all seeking to direct a future based on truth and harmony with the natural world.
David Attenborough was recently asked advice on the first step to a better world and he replied “Don’t waste”.
Here at Save the World Club HQ we have taken that to heart by recirculating our waste, transforming people’s discards into treasures and community murals loved by others.
Thank you for joining us in our quest to preserve our beautiful world for all future generations."
- Des Kay